St. Mary’s Church - Services
We have recently changed our service patterns at St. Mary's every month, which we hope will meet the needs of all those who worship at our church.
Sunday Services
9am - Holy Communion (1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays)
This is a traditional service with the organ and a robed choir and follows one of the patterns of worship in Common Worship. However on the 1st Sunday the Book of Common Prayer (1662) is normally used. There is a crèche at the back of church for young children.
10:30am - Morning Worship (1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays)
This is a more informal and relaxed service designed for those who prefer a more modern service. More contemporary hymns and songs are sung. The service aims to be inclusive for all ages and there is also a crèche area for very young children.
Please see this link for more information about our children's and young people's church
10:30am - Joint Service with Holy Communion (3rd Sunday of each month)
The two congregations come together for a joint Holy Communion Service with a blend of traditional and contemporary elements.
Tuesday Service
2pm - Tots Service (Term Time only)
A short service with singing and a story, followed by crafts and refreshments in the Family Centre.