Getting married at St. Mary's
It gives us great pleasure to support couples in making the big commitment of getting married!
If you are considering this, the first step is to phone Sylvia Griffiths on 07532 470518 or come along to a Sunday morning service to speak with Sylvia. (Reverend Canon Sylvia Griffiths (retired) is kindly covering our services at the moment during a period of vacancy.)
All those who are getting married at St Mary's are invited to attend two Marriage Preparation Sessions. We have a small team of couples who run these mornings, which look at important issues to do with marriage itself and practical ones like music, the format of the service etc. The sessions are light-hearted, non-threatening and user-friendly (we hope!), and couples seem to enjoy them and find them helpful.
Just in case you aren't aware there are some things you need to know.
An engaged couple are welcome to be married in church in a parish if just one of these applies:
One of them was baptised or prepared for confirmation in the parish;
One of them has ever lived in the parish for six months or more;
One of them has at any time regularly attended public worship in the parish for six months or more;
One of their parents has lived in the parish for six months or more in their child's lifetime; or
One of their parents has regularly attended public worship there for six months or more in their child's lifetime; their parents or grandparents were married in the parish.
For more about weddings in the Church of England, go to https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/your-church-wedding
Wedding Costs
The basic cost of a wedding varies depending on the options selected. Please call to confirm.
The basic option includes all the necessary documentation, the music and the service itself.
There are further options available e.g Bells, Flowers, Choir which can be agreed when each wedding is booked and confirmed.