We believe that a vital part of belonging is helping to ‘pay the bills’. Making a regular financial contribution to the work of the local church is not only biblical but a very practical way of standing shoulder to shoulder with the whole church and demonstrating your commitment and support.
The work of St Mary’s is all financed entirely from the contributions of its members. Additional income is raised through the commercial letting of the Family Centre to local groups for the upkeep of these facilities.
A full financial report, audited accounts and annual budget is published each year and made available at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. The elected PCC scrutinises and authorises expenditure throughout the year.
We endeavour to give 10% of money received by St Mary’s to various charities and overseas agencies and sometimes we will take up offerings in the event of a disaster or special missionary need. These are taken in addition to regular giving.
Visitors to the church are under no obligation to give.
How can you give?
On a Sunday: Collections are taken as part of our worship at each of our Sunday services.
By Standing Order: By far the easiest and most tax-efficient form of giving, helpful for our own budgeting, is to set up a monthly Standing Order: you can download a form (PDF format) or pick one up on Sunday. If you are a UK taxpayer, please fill in the Gift Aid declaration in order for us to claim back 25 pence for each pound donated. (How gift aid works [gov.uk] )
Please hand in the completed form to our treasurer Brian West or one of our churchwardens.
By Bank Transfer: to
Account Name: St. Mary’s Church, Arnold.
Account number 30724777, Sort code 40-08-46.
Please ensure that your name is included when you make a transfer or email your name and donation amount to our Treasurer Brian West as this enables us to claim back Gift Aid where appropriate.
If you have any questions about giving to St Mary’s please talk to our Treasurer (Brian) or one of the Church Wardens.
Donate via Give a Little
St. Mary's is registered as a charity. Our charity registration number is 1134021.