At St Mary’s we are very careful to follow data protection and CCPAS guide lines on safeguarding children and adults.
If you have any concerns regarding the safe guarding of children, young people, vulnerable adults or domestic abuse then please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer - Kirsty Aplin on 07782 508449
If you have any questions about our data protection policy please contact our Administrator at the parish office on 0115 920 9848 [admin@stmarysarnold.org.uk]
All enquiries will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham Safeguarding Team
You can also contact the safeguarding team for the Diocese for advice, guidance or to submit a concern:
Email safeguarding@southwell.anglican.org
Telephone 01636 817200
More Information (and webform) https://southwell.anglican.org/contact-safeguarding/
As the Church of England’s Bishop for the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham I am pleased that, like all the dioceses across the Church of England, we are currently undertaking a second Past Case Review – also known as PCR2.
PCR2 is a vital part of the Church of England’s commitment to improve our treatment and care of all survivors of abuse. We are deeply saddened by all instances of historic abuse and the profound damage inflicted on people’s lives by those who have failed to safeguard or those in positions of authority and responsibility who have abused the trust placed in them.
As part of PCR2, there is now an open invitation to hear from anyone who has experienced abuse within a church context so we can support you and learn from what you tell us.
We understand that coming forward might be hard; even if hearing this notice causes you concern, please know that there are people ready to listen and support you. Please be assured that survivor identity will not be shared and that two experienced safeguarding professionals have been appointed who are totally independent from the diocese. These safeguarding reviewers will receive your testimonies or meet you to hear your story.
The Past Case Review is an extensive piece of work, overall taking two and a half years to complete. The information we gather will form part of an important wider national report that will be published in 2022.
We would therefore encourage anyone who has experienced harm within the church, whether you have shared the information before or have never shared it with anyone else, to make contact. If you would like to feed directly into the PCR2 process through the independent reviewers, please do so by the 3rd September 2021. The diocesan Safeguarding Team will be available for anyone who wishes to come forward after that date.
Please visit the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham website (www.southwell.anglican.org for more information or email the diocesan safeguarding team (safeguarding@southwell.anglican.org)
Thank you for giving this your time and thought so that your voice can be heard; there is much we need to do to get this right but, with your help and insights, we will make the church a safer place for all.
With my continuing prayers,